Working together to Safeguard children
Thomas Telford UTC is committed to the safeguarding of all of our students. As such, we understand that multi-agency working is essential in safeguarding children. Our duty to protect the students in our care from significant harm, depends on our effective joint working with a range of external agencies. Early help is also provided through excellent pastoral support.
Any concerns about student safety should be referred to the below members of staff. Our first priority at the UTC is to make all our students feel safe and happy. All the staff in the team are trained to deal with any safeguarding issues. Come and see us, call us or email us if you are feeling unsure, unsafe or are worried about someone else. At the UTC, we currently work with a range of agencies across nine local authorities, both internal and external, to safeguard and support the students in our care. These include:
The Safeguarding Team have regard to "Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024" when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Dept. Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Officer
Mrs. Claire Gleeson
01902 872180
Mrs. Philippa Shaw
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. Laura Passmore
Miss. Shannon Hughes
If there is something or someone worrying you at the UTC, you can tell any member of staff who will be able to get you the support you need from one of the team.
If there is something or someone worrying you, you can use these methods to get help:
If the UTC is closed please contact Wolverhampton Safeguarding Team on 01902 555392 (Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 5pm {4:30pm on Fridays}) or 01902 552999 (out of hours). If you are concerned that a child or young person is at serious risk of harm, please call West Midlands Police on 999.